Delivery Information
Next Day Delivery Service
Cablenet offers a Next Day service within Mainland UK (excluding Highlands, Offshore Islands & Northern Ireland).
Most items are available from stock and delivery is charged based on the weight of the entire order. Orders placed before 4 pm will be dispatched on the same day for next-day delivery.
Please note that whilst deliveries can be made to a residential address, we use business courier services and deliveries will be made during normal business hours. Please ensure someone is available to sign for the goods.
If your order; exceeds 20Kg, is likely to be delayed, or requires special delivery (for example, server cabinets) we will contact you prior to dispatch to confirm the delivery method and updated charges.
Timed Deliveries
We offer a range of timed deliveries which can be booked at an additional cost.
Pre 10 am Mainland UKPre-Noon Mainland UK
Saturday Pre-Noon Mainland UK
Same-Day Deliveries
Cablenet can offer Same-day deliveries for when next day delivery is just too long.
For Same Day Deliveries please call us on 01276 405300 for an accurate quote.
International Deliveries
Delivery charges to addresses outside of the UK will be advised either by telephone or email on receipt of your order.
We will not charge your account or credit card until these additional costs have been agreed upon and the order is ready for dispatch.
Alternatively, you may collect your order from our Camberley office.
Monday to Friday: 9am - 5pm
If you would like further information, please call our sales office on 01276 405300